Jingbiao's Blog

「Hinc lucem et pocula sacra」

3F3 Statistical Signal Processing Tripos Revision

\( \require{amstext} \require{amsmath} \require{amssymb} \require{amsfonts} \) Full notes can be viewed over here: rendered version and LaTex Source Code Markov Chain Proof of Markov Property...

3F1 Signals ad Systems Tripos Revision

\( \require{amstext} \require{amsmath} \require{amssymb} \require{amsfonts} \) Transfer Function for discrete system: For a system to have a transfer function, it has to be linear and time...

3E3 Risk Management Tripos Revision

\( \require{amstext} \require{amsmath} \require{amssymb} \require{amsfonts} \) Markov Chain State Transition Matrix Stationary distribution Properties: Classes: a set of states c...

3G5 Biomaterial Tripos Revision

\( \require{amstext} \require{amsmath} \require{amssymb} \require{amsfonts} \) Definition/Conceptual of Medical Devices Biocompatibility In terms of bio-safety: The medical device does not cau...

3G4 Medical imaging Tripos Revision

\( \require{amstext} \require{amsmath} \require{amssymb} \require{amsfonts} \) Medical Imaging Ultrasonic Scan The ultrasound machine is calibrated with a constant speed. If speed mismatch, the...

Logistic Classification Comparing ML/MAP/Bayesian approches

With PCA and logistic regression

\( \require{amstext} \require{amsmath} \require{amssymb} \require{amsfonts} \newcommand{\eg}{\textit{e}.\textit{g}.} \newcommand{\xb}{\mathbf{x}} \newcommand{\yb}{\mathbf{y}} \newcommand{\xbtn}{\ti...

Tumor prediction by gene expression level

With PCA and logistic regression

Introduction In this coursework, principal component analysis is used to separate a very high dimensional medical dataset of ~ 20,000 genes as input features and 5 type of tumor as output features....

Simplex Algorithm for Linear Constrained Optimisation problems

3M1 optimisation review

Simplex Algorithm Simplex Algorithm is used to do linear programming and find the solution to a constrained optimization problem. Important concepts here: basic / non-basic variable, pivoting / ent...

Training Perturbation in Pytorch

Problems require to be fixed

The aim is to add noise during training of the network. For example: 1 2 3 with torch.no_grad(): for param in model.parameters(): param.add_(torch.randn(param.size()) * 0.1) However,...

Travelling after Covid

In memorial of the trip to Morocco Easter 2019